

Only Bitcoin payments are accepted at the moment. We are working on integrating Ethereum, Monero, and Tether into our payment gateway.


Bitcoin provides enhanced payment security: Compared to traditional credit and debit card transactions, Bitcoin is regarded as a more secure option. This heightened security stems from the fact that Bitcoin transactions do not require third-party verification. When you make a payment using Bitcoin, your information isn't stored in a centralized database, which is often a target for data breaches.

+ Enjoy lower transaction fees: For example, PayPal typically charges around 4% per transaction, and sometimes even more. In contrast, Bitcoin transactions generally incur much lower fees, if any at all. Some Bitcoin exchanges offer fees below 1%. Additionally, Bitcoin can help you bypass international currency conversion fees, as it is not linked to any specific country or national bank.

+ Bitcoin transactions are rapidly becoming the preferred online payment method. If maintaining your anonymity is a priority—meaning you prefer not to leave a paper trail with your banks—then opting for Bitcoin payments is undoubtedly the best choice.

You can easily and securely purchase Bitcoin using your credit card or bank account from the following platforms, and then use your Bitcoin in our shop.